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Discover Business Opportunities with Canada’s ITB Policy

Discover Business Opportunities with Canada’s ITB Policy

The Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) including: Atlantic Canada Opportunities Procurement Agency (ACOA); Canada Economic Development for the Quebec Regions (CED-Q); Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev); Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario (FedNor); Prairies Economic Development Canada (PrairiesCan) and Pacific Economic Development Canada (PacifiCan)and Procurement Assistance Canada (PAC), Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) will be providing an information session on Industrial and Technological Benefits (ITBs).

The ITB Policy, leverages federal marine procurements – such as building ships for the Royal Canadian Navy and Canadian Coast Guard to foster job creations, drive innovation, and support economic growth from coast-to-coast-to-coast.

What you will learn:

  • How the ITB Policy works and provides opportunities for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
  • The role of Canada’s Regional Development Agencies and how they can help you
  • Practical tips on how you can get involved

During the session, participants will hear from Procurement Assistance Canada (PAC) on how to do business with the Government of Canada. To promote engagement, time will be allocated for questions from participants following each presentation.

This information session is organized by the Marine Commodity Management Office, Public Services Procurement Canada (PSPC) in collaboration with the Canadian Marine Industries and Shipbuilding Association (CMISA) and is open to any interested businesses from across Canada. All are welcome.