N&NC STRDI Industry Days (Wed 19 Oct – Fri 21 Oct 2022)
In January 2022, NORAD and USNORTHCOM (N&NC) hosted the first of a recurring Science & Technology (S&T), Research & Development (R&D), and Innovation (STRDI) Homeland Defense (HD) Symposium aimed at addressing the Combatant Commander’s highest operational priorities. Building on the January 2022 event, N&NC will host our second STRDI HD Symposium 17-21 October 2022. A significant addition to the upcoming event, however, is a dedicated three day United States (US) and Canadian (CAN) Industry engagement.
Industry Day 1 (19 Oct 2022, Location TBD, Colorado Springs, CO):
Large group format; Government provided presentations and demonstrations; dedicated periods for open discussion. Materials and discussion will be held to the SECRET//REL TO CAN level. Day 1 vignettes include –
Global Perspective: The interrelated nature of global security challenges increases the value of all domain awareness, information dominance, decision superiority and global integration to accelerate earlier actions outside of conflict. In order to defend the homeland in today’s complex strategic environment, USNORTHCOM and NORAD have shifted efforts to left-of-conflict strategies, emphasizing integrated deterrence in competition, and dramatically improving our ability to provide leaders with needed decision space on a day-to-day basis.
Homeland Defense Design: DoD’s ability to deter and defend against advanced global threats requires a shift from regional approaches to a global perspective that accounts for the realities of the modern strategic environment. A homeland defense enterprise that is capable of deterring and defeating threats is essential to a globally integrated forward fight and supports broader national strategic objectives. The ability of the United States to deter in competition, de-escalate in crisis, and defeat in conflict, is dependent on our collective ability to detect and track potential threats and friendly forces anywhere in the world, while delivering data to decision makers as rapidly as possible.
Global Information Dominance Experiments (GIDE): Over the previous 24+ months, N&NC have executed a series of global experiments called GIDE. GIDE provided combatant commanders, intelligence and operations directors, senior leaders and other participants at multiple sites, with a shared, customizable, and near real-time data set. The data gathered by existing global sensors provided leaders, analysts, and operators with the information needed to make assessments and recommend courses of action that were coordinated across multiple commands in a matter of hours vice days. Accelerating the flow of information to senior civilian decision makers and commanders enabled significantly more options to achieve desired outcomes.
Open discussion with question and answer period: The global strategic environment will remain complex and extraordinarily dynamic for the foreseeable future. Our competitors already possess the capability to strike the homeland with kinetic and non-kinetic means, and they will take full advantage of slow responses, technological shortfalls, and policies that do not reflect the realities of the modern era. Attendees will be given time to ask the presenters about their material and will be encouraged to discuss their viewpoints.
Industry Days 2-3 (20-21 Oct 2022, Booze Allen Hamilton facility, Colorado Springs, CO):
Government-Industry one-on-one format; Industry technology “pitches” via Lightning Rounds (seven minutes per pitch). Materials will be held to the SECRET//REL TO CAN level. Discussion will be held to the TOP SECRET//REL TO CAN level. Planned Government attendees include: US and CAN Services; US Combatant Commands; US Services’ Laboratories; US National Laboratories; US and CAN Intelligence Communities; Defence Research and Development Canada; US Defense Agencies; and US Innovation Units. Days 2-3 Industry technology “pitches” should be consistent one with the following technology focus areas –
Information dominance: data integration, data classification, data distribution, and/or data visualization.
Left-of-conflict: indications, warnings, and/or predictive analysis.
Domain awareness: detection, identification, and/or tracking.
Arctic operations: energy and power, communications, command and control, and/or infrastructure.
The Government does not intend to prescribe a presentation format, however we ask that each Industry technology “pitch” includes a brief overview of your company; an overview of any Government entities that you have, or are currently partnering with, as it pertains to your technology; an overview of the technology to include any intended or derived operational value; and the Technology Readiness Level and/or Manufacturing Readiness Level of the technology.
The N&NC Points of Contact (POC) for this event are –
Mr. Gordon Owen | 719-554-6382 |
Mr. John Joynt | 719-556-7311 |
If interested in attending, please respond via email to our N&NC POCs with the following –
- Company Name is interested in participating in Day 1; and/or
- Company Name is interested in participating in Day 2/3. For Day 2/3 participation, please clearly identify: a) the primary technology focus area (above) that your company desires to participate in; and b) provide your company’s top three time slot preferences within that technology focus area (in the event your top choice is already taken).
Note 1: “Pitch” time slot requests will be first come, first served.
Note 2: Companies may request to “pitch” in more than one technology focus area. If so, please also identify the priority order of the focus areas that your company desires to participate in. Consistent with Note 1, your company’s highest priority focus area and time slot will be serviced first, and if time slots remain available (as of 30 Sep 2022) in additional desired technology focus areas, your company will be offered the additional “pitch” opportunities.
Note 3: Once assigned, your company will receive confirmation of your technology focus area(s) and time slot(s) from one of our N&NC POCs. This correspondence will also include visit request information.
Note 4: N&NC intends to provide feedback after each technology “pitch.” Format is currently in review for approval and will be made public as soon as possible.
Note 5: “Pitch” feedback does not constitute any acquisition or requirements commitments by the Government.
Note 6: The location for Industry Day 1 will be made public as soon as available.