Home » Events » NSPA “Construction and Infrastructure” Virtual Industry Day
The NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) is pleased to invite you to join the “Construction and Infrastructure” Virtual Industry Day scheduled for 19 October 2022.
The aim of this Virtual Industry Day is to gather the best infrastructure, construction, design companies and individuals in this sector and raise awareness of the opportunities that NSPA contracts on behalf of NATO and its member nations. The event will also provide detailed information on how to contract with NSPA for those companies who have not already done so.
This event will comprise a combination of briefings and presentations.
Topics will include guidance on how to do business with the Agency, opportunities for construction on behalf of NATO and Allies in the changing geopolitical environment and discussions on national regulatory building control.
The event will be conducted in English.
We encourage as many companies as possible to register and attend via video conferencing.
Register at by 07 October 2022