Home » Events » Maritime Launch Services Supplier Engagement Event
The Atlantic Canada Aerospace and Defence Association is excited to host the Maritime Launch Services Supplier Engagement Event, February 23rd, 2022. This will be a virtual event with opportunity for direct business to business (B2B) engagement following a presentation.
Maritime Launch Services is dedicated to developing a local supply chain and sourcing goods and services from companies within the Atlantic region wherever possible. To build a modern commercial spaceport requires for many specialized systems and equipment. Many of these requirements, although specified for a spaceport, are not unique to a spaceport. Maritime Launch Services is looking forward to meeting with companies that feel they have goods or services that could be part of their supply chain. This could range from advanced immersive training systems, to automated valves, to the fabrication of specialty equipment.
Join us on February 23rd to learn more about Maritime Launch Services, the Spaceport Nova Scotia project, and about potential opportunities to become supply chain partners.