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ShipTech Forum

The ShipTech Forum is a conference that is intended to showcase emerging technologies, address a range of marine and shipbuilding issues as well as ship repair and the advantages they provide for growth and export.

This event facilitates meaningful dialogue between industry, government and military so as to provide stakeholders with the knowledge and share lessons learned from a technological perspective with the aim to showcase successful investments in cutting-edge technologies.

Why should you attend?

This forum is an opportunity to explore Canada’s excellence in technical shipbuilding, future technologies and the impact on economic growth and export.

  • Stay informed about innovative technologies and strategies
  • Expert insights on market trends and challenges
  • Source solutions and opportunities for placing your organization at the cutting-edge
  • Engage in timely discussions with your peers that will allow you to gain a plethora of ideas and insights

Who should attend?

  • Marine Industries: Shipbuilding, Ship Maintenance & Repair, Coast Guard, Logistics & Support, Classification Societies
  • Government: Federal, Provincial, Regional Development Agencies
  • DND and Royal Canadian Navy
  • Industry Contractors: Primes, Tier 1, Suppliers
  • SMEs and Consultants: Suppliers of Parts, Services, Support