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Share your story for MASS 2023!

Published: June 12, 2023

The Maritime and Arctic Security and Safety (MASS) Conference marks its 10-year anniversary this year, and ACADA will be celebrating by highlighting the accomplishments, innovation, and growth of member businesses. Surrounded by a diverse group of attendees including government, military, coast guard, industry, academia, northern leaders, researchers, and more, it’s the perfect forum – and the optimal occasion – to celebrate your business’ accomplishments over the past decade!

As part of the celebration, we are putting together a showcase of our member accomplishments and growth over the past 10 years. We know we’ve all come a long way – some of you created your businesses from scratch and have grown to 100s of employees, others have expanded into new markets, and even more have researched and developed innovative technologies. These stories are begging to be told and celebrated at MASS 2023!

Sharing your story is easy, complete the form below and share:

  1. A brief explanation (250 words) of an innovation or business/brand story that shows growth/innovation over the past 10 years.
  2. Include two photos to illustrate that growth (past and present). Or you can send these three files to by July 10.

If you have any questions, please let us know. We look forward to sharing your stories of success at the conference and on social media!