Published: août 8, 2022
What is the NATO Innovation Challenge?
The NATO Innovation Challenge, initiated in 2017, is a brainstorming process aimed at resolving common Alliance and Nations operational problems efficiently and cost-effectively. Co-organized by the NATO Innovation Hub (Allied Command Transformation) and NATO Nations, the Challenge gives priority access to non-traditional innovators (academia, individuals, and start-ups) and expands NATO networks and collaboration with industry and academia.
The Innovation Challenge is open to all NATO Nations. It provides visibility to participants and their solutions and, for the winners, offers the opportunity to develop their products. The Challenge is the cornerstone of creating a NATO-wide Innovation Network. The NATO Innovation Network strives to develop a shared culture of innovation among NATO Nations and inspire transformation.
Who organizes the NATO Innovation Challenge?
The NATO Innovation Challenge is organizes twice a year by Allied Command Transformation – NATO Innovation Hub. This edition is co-organized with the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA) and the Ministry of Defense of Romania, who will host the finale.
Legal documentation
Soon to be published.
Who can participate?
Every innovator can participate. However, only submissions by entities headquartered or located in NATO member countries will be considered for the preselection phase. Participants who register as individuals must hold one of NATO countries nationalities. Team representatives must hold a NATO country nationality.
How and where can I participate?
First register (click on Participate) then submit your abstract here until September 19. If you abstract is selected during the preselection phase, you will attend the finale and compete against the 9 other finalists in front of a jury of experts. You first need to register on this page before submitting your proposal.
When is the finale? Is it online or onsite?
The finale is on October 12 (see agenda) and is an hybrid public event. If you are a finalist you can attend the event online or onsite (in Bucharest). If you only want to watch the finale, it will be available on livestreaming.
What are the requirements for the abstract?
The abstract should be submitted here. It should include:
1) The name of the team and its members (Industry/academia)
2) The name of the proposed solution and which area(s) of interest it addresses;
3) Name(s) of participant’s representative(s) (new representatives cannot be appointed after pre-selection)
4) How it answers the challenge statement and why the solution is relevant to NATO. How it answers the three criteria of usefulness, innovativness and feasibility.
The abstract can include up to 4500 characters max text document.
Only non classified information and data can be uploaded. Abstracts should be written in English.
Judging criteria
Solutions will be scored by a pool of experts during the preselection phase and the finale against:
HQ SACT presents three levels of monetary awards for the top three winners of the IC-22/Fall: a. first place: $5,000 USD, b. second place: $2,500 USD, c. third place: $1,000 USD.
Relevant solutions could support the development of future NATO concepts, doctrine, standards, requirements, capability development, and will get stage-time at NATO-wide events.
The three winners will be invited to attend NATO Edge Flagship Conference on 25-27 October 2022, at Lotto Mons Expo, in Mons, Belgium.
The winner’s package will include:
– One registration waiver for admission to NATO Edge event;
– Award ceremony on the opening day (announcement and welcome of the winners in a plenary session, including a short pitch per solution);
– Free showcase space at NATO Edge exhibition;
– Possibility to demonstrate their innovative solutions on-site in front of key NATO, national and industry audiences.